The Broken Arrow City Council unanimously approved two measures expected to transform New Orleans Square into a premier destination location within the city in a Special Meeting on Sept. 13.
Luke Schmidt of Kimley Horn Planning Design and Engineering Consultants presented the New Orleans Square Intersection Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design Report to the Council. It included five design options to remake the New Orleans St. (101st St.) and Elm Place intersection.
According to Schmidt, the study took eight months to complete, and safety was one of the most significant considerations. The proposed project will include shade trees for pedestrians to add beautification, decorative plantings, improved lighting, reconstructed retaining walls, a decorative concrete intersection, traffic signal improvements, ADA Compliant Pedestrian Walkways, and enhanced crosswalks.
The proposed design has no dedicated right-turn lanes. There was much discussion between the Council and the consultants about how to alleviate congestion at the intersection.
The consultant said the traffic signal could prioritize movement to coincide with the heaviest traffic flow in the mornings and afternoons. Discussions on the right lane issue will continue during the process as more information becomes available.
The design process will begin in October, with construction beginning in Spring 2022. Construction should take 8-10 months to complete.
The Council also heard from AJ Kilpatrick of ADG, Inc. as he presented the developer-driven New Orleans Square Overlay District Framework, Phase I.
"We started with small group interviews with property owners currently in the area," Kilpatrick said.
Findings from those meetings include:
• Some existing uses will be in place for years to come.
• Other properties are up for redevelopment.
• Some property owners are waiting to see the City's investment and potential rule changes.
• There is a tremendous amount of land ripe for development surrounding the area.
The overlay district is a long-term vision and urban design zoning framework. It improves the property owner's ability to redevelop their areas. It also encourages grand ideas, increases walkability, expands housing options, and establishes future development frameworks.
It provides a zoning framework such as street standards, frontage standards, zoning district standards, and development standards with a frontage-based approach.
Kilpatrick said retail property owners in the vicinity are asking for more residential offerings in the area.
"It's difficult for developers to come in if they don't know what we expect today and 10, 20, 30 years down the road," Councilor Johnnie Parks said. "It's good to have this document and get it out to the public, so they know what our Master Plan is and what we expect."
A draft of the code changes is expected for October 2021, with adoption by the City Council in December 2021 or January 2022.